Training Team
Training Plans
A 5k is 3.1 miles, but don’t be daunted by the distance. Work your way up to walking or running the 3.1 miles of the Spider Dash with one of our free self-guided training plans.
Training Workshops
There will be two training workshops that will be open to registrants of the Spider Dash 5k:
5k 101: Setting Yourself Up For Success
Wednesday, January 22, 5:30-6:30pm, WCR Classroom 202
This workshop will cover topics including injury prevention, cross training, safety, gear, and more! Registration will be capped at 30 participants. REGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOP
Fueling For Your Best Race
Thursday, February 6, 12-12:45 p.m.
Well-Being Center Demo Kitchen
Join us at the Demo Kitchen to learn about what foods will best accompany your training and race day goals. This event will be led by one of our Registered Dietitians and will be capped at 10 participants.